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client in session:
service in session:
  • Welcome to Tabs

    Keep tabs on all of your behavioral health care records and behavioral health care staff personnel records using this single comprehensive solution. Designed by and for community-based behavioral health care providers, Tabs works like no other product, using customizable business rules to help users comply with agency policies and procedures, and the often-changing rule and statutory requirements for behavioral health care services.

    Changing Regulatory Environments

    Health care, and especially behavioral health care is a rapidly changing environment for providers and recipients. New services, new rules governing services, and new interpretations of the old rules are announced regularly. Tabs is designed to make it easy for providers to respond to these changes without waiting for (and without having to pay) the developer to rewrite code. As new services become available in the healthcare, or as new rules are announced, administrators in a provider can quickly add new services, or modify requirements for existing services the minute they are announced.


    Providers are not all the same either. Too often, creativity in service delivery and agency development is limited by the software they use. Tabs is not a one-size-fits-all solution. At Sofia Resources, we believe in building products that are malleable enough to allow users the flexibility they need while keeping agency and client data safe and secure.

    A Learning Product for Learning Organizations

    Not a static product, Tabs is also designed for collaborative development. Our product is designed to make users the software designers. Bugs and Suggestion reports available on any page, task or activity in the system allow users to make suggestions or report problems when they experience something that does not seem right. These bug and suggestion reports go to agency administrators for triage to be quickly addressed in-house, or routed simulaneously to technical support or software engineers when it is a software problem.

    Tabs Icon Legend

    • Home

    • Clients

    • Data Management

    • Career Planning

    • Help

    • Administration

    Start the Tour

    For a quick visual tour open the drawer at the top left to see all of the tools and resources Tabs offers. Tap on the menus and sub-menus in the drawer to drill down and explore content.

  • You’re Home!

    After log-in, Tabs users arrive on the Home page, where they will find:


    News/announcements posted by agency administrators.

    New Messages Alerts

    Messages works like an internal email system where users can communicate and collaborate efficiently. Because Messages move about only inside the system, users can include private, protected information about clients in messages to one another without worry.

    System Messages are automatically-generated by business rules, and alert users to important information, without user intervention.

    Let’s say that while reviewing a progress note, a clinical supervisor makes a comment. The system will send the author of the note a System Message that there is a comment waiting. Tapping the link in the message will bring the user directly to the note and supervisor comment.

    Due Items Alerts

    Due items remind users about upcoming deadlines for assessment andtreatment planning, helping assure compliance with agency polices and procedures. These business rules are built into the system and are fully customizable by agency administrators.

    Client Insurance Alerts

    When a client's insurance lapses, users are alerted on their home page.

    Explore Now

    Tap on the links in the drawer to the left to explore all of the other useful tools available in the home menu. You'll see that the home page is where users do a variety of housekeeping and communicating.

  • Clients

    The Clients section is where users:

    • Search for clients or set up new clients
    • Manage client contact, history, status and collateral contacts information
    • Conduct and document client assessments
    • Develop treatment plans
    • Document, including:
    • Write client progress notes
    • Review and edit schedules and view reports of past time/services
    • Conduct progress reviews and view progress reports
    • Complete forms and incident reports, and
    • View external documents that have been scanned and uploaded to Tabs

    Powerful Client Searches

    Advanced client search provide quick access to core information by serving up key information for managing clients and filtering searches. Core information like last seen date, last note and referral notes and more, are links to read these notes with a single tap, without leaving the search results table. Or, simply tap on the client in the search results to open the client file.

    Explore Now

    Explore the content of the client section now by tapping on all the submenu items in the drawer.

  • Scheduling and Data Management

    In the Data Management section, users can:

    • Schedule services for themselves (or others, with Scheduler credentials)
    • Write progress notes
    • Manage, edit and submit notes, timecards and billing records, and approve notes and timecards for team members
    • View reports and extract data for quality assurance, payroll and billing

    The Life of a Progress Note

    Data Management is where Tabs shows its real power by eliminating duplicative tasks and data entry. A single Progress Note entry generates all of the records necessary for billing, payroll, progress review and quality assurance. In addition, Progress Notes that require supervisor review or authorization, as defined by agency policy, generate automated system messages to the supervisor immediately when entered by the user.

    Reviewing and Approving Time Records

    At intervals defined by the agency, Tabs users review and submit time. Approval of submitted records is a snap for supervisors, who can pull up a summary and detailed report for any user, or group of users, and approve them, or send them back for edits.

    Tabs serves up time records in summaries...

    and in detailed tables for review, submission, and approval by supervisors and administrators.

    Once approved, time card records are ready and waiting for extraction by billing and payroll staff without the need for any additional data entry.

    Explore Now

    Explore the content of the Data Management section now by tapping on all the submenu items in the drawer.

  • Career Planning

    Career Planning is an optional add-on for agencies wanting to use tabs for Human Resource funtionality. Here, subscribers can:

    Search for and create new staff members, manage staff information, credentials, define user system access and more. Stay up-to-date with staff information by allowing them access to edit their own, with Tabs alerting administrators when information changes. No need for special forms and processes.

    Evaluate work performance and develop and manage career plans. Using tools developed with the same architecture as our client treatment resources, agencies can develop customized performance evaluation and management, and career-planning tools. If you choose to use this option, our support staff can work with your team to develop customized tools using your agency's current processes.

    Document training, supervision and other personnel activities, or make supervision notes for subordinates. Just as for client progress notes, documenting clinical supervision and training is a snap in Tabs. When attending or providing training or supervision, users write progress notes that automatically populate into user histories, and create payroll records as defined by agency policy. Manage all of those training and supervision activities here.

    Explore Now

    Explore the content of the Career Planning section now by tapping on all the submenu items in the drawer.

  • Help

    In the Help section, users can:

    View agency Polices and Procedures. Tabs conveniently provides a place for users to read or check agency policies and procedures without navigating away from their work space.

    Explore Treatment Resources. Treatment Resources are an optional element in Tabs. If your agency requires use of Treatment Resources in service delivery (books, manuals, websites, handouts, etc.), you can build a library. Users can explore available Treatment Resources in the Help section here, and choose them when developing a Treatment Plan.

    Make or View Bugs and Suggestions for system improvement. Users can make bug or suggestion reports from anyplace in Tabs, but in the Help section, users can view bug reports made by others, compare experiences, and see the status of their own reports.

    Participate in a blog-like Community message board. The message board allows users to share ideas and community resources, and make announcements, all monitored by a system administrator.

    Explore Now

    Explore the content of the Help section now by tapping on all the submenu items in the drawer.

  • Administration

    The Admin section is where the power of Tabs lives. Mostly for administrative, payroll and billing supervisors, the Admin section is where these system users add, edit, and authorize:

    Users and user access. Set up or deactivate user accounts, reset passwords, assign clients, and define the level of access for each user using custom, role-based security.

    Collateral contacts. Manage the collateral contacts stored in the database, including commmon referral sources, case managers, physicians and other health care providers.

    Services and agency business rules for service delivery. Here is where Tabs becomes powerfully customized for your agency.

    • Set up services with customized agency business rules for service delivery.
    • Set custom deadlines for assessment, treatment planning, and progress review based on agency policies and procedures.
    • Require supervisor authorization where necessary for specific services or provider staff.
    • Customize the automated system messages users receive to alert them to these rules.

    Payers. In the Payers section, add or deactivate current insurance programs, define coverages and business rules for service delivery and billing.

    Help menus. Those help menus that appear in Glance Tabs throughout the system? Add or edit them here. Tabs comes pre-populated with general help for every task. Provide help and guidance that is customized for your users by tweaking the content of the help menu here.

    Polices and procedures. Add, edit and update agency policies and procedures instantly when announcements arrive from payers and government agencies.

    Resources.Resources is how Tabs becomes powerfully customized for the subscriber agency. Here, administrators, clincial supervisors, and treatment directors can develop customized assessments and forms for service delivery using simple tools to define options, lists, and data entry protocols. Don't have time and resources to do this on your own? Ask us about populating your subscription with the paper assessments and forms you currently use. Our support staff can develop and edit them on a one-time, or ongoing basis. Interested in seeing and using forms and assessments already developed by Sofia Resources? We can pre-populate your subscription, and then customize them for you. All of these services are available as a part of your customized subscription, or as one-time, ad hoc support on an hourly or project basis.

    Add or edit treatment resources here at any time should you choose to require them for treatment. Ask us about purchasing pre-packaged Treatment Resources as a part of your Tabs subscription through our partner vendor Whole Person Publishing, purchase and develop your own, or hold off on requiring formal treatment resources at this time, knowing it is always an option for the future.

    Explore Now

    Explore the content of the Admin section now by tapping on all the submenu items in the drawer.

On each page, you’ll also find Glance Tabs. These tabs will help you get quick facts and info that may be helpful to you as you navigate the system. The tabs displayed on this tour pertain to what you might see when you are working within a client session.

In this tab, you'd find information, due items and the treatment cycle for the client you're working with.

Here you can find information about other services the client is receiving.

Contact information for the current client.

This tab is for general help on the current page or task. This tab is available for almost any task you are working on. Contact us via phone or email is you're really stumped.

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